Quarterly Trends Report

Q4 2019: get your coat

  • Multi Asset
  • Materials
  • North America

Paints and coatings are integral to a range of sectors – and, like many others, it is facing changing regulations, new technology and shifting consumer demands. From preparing for autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the US to stricter environmental regulations in China, Third Bridge Forum’s Interviews have tapped into specialists’ expertise to cover major developments and what’s influencing demand.

The coatings industry is worth more than USD 100bn globally. In terms of market share, as Third Bridge gleaned from one specialist’s estimates, the architectural segment is the largest, making up at least 40%. Industrials accounts for 20-30%, automotive 10-15% and marine and aerospace are each about 5%. Although the industry saw a strong performance post-financial crisis, peaking in 2015-16, the North American and Chinese markets are decelerating. In addition, raw material prices have been edging up since 2014. On the automotive side, cars are changing size: although it is increasing in the US, other countries are seeing smaller builds come out. Meanwhile, the refinish business has been affected by lower accidents rates, and there are concerns that collision avoidance technology in AVs could see this segment decline in future. 

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