
Q4 2019: towards a greener world

  • 多资产类别
  • 公用事业
  • 澳大利亚及新西兰

Climate change is a burning issue. With the IPCC’s report in 2018 stating there’s little time left to limit the catastrophe propelled by rising temperatures, it’s clear we need to accelerate our adoption of greener energy and decarbonisation technologies. Third Bridge Forum is already covering these topics, and Interviews with experts have given us insights into what is happening across the world.

There is more carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere at present than at any point in the past 400,000 years, and its upward trajectory looks set to continue. The total energy consumed in the world stood at 160,000TWh in 2018, and it grows by about 2% each year. Decarbonisation is one way to counter this, but the path isn’t as straightforward as just producing less energy. According to one expert: “I think we’re in for a really dangerous 20-30 years ahead of us if we pursue some of the decarbonisation strategies that are being talked about by the divestment movement or by some policymakers.” If electricity supplies are restricted or made more expensive, or even capital denied to energy companies, there could be energy shortages or a reduction in political will to carry on this path. 

